Partnering for success
Meet our Strategic Partners | Join our Partner Program
Meet our Strategic Partners
We are partnering with the best to offer you optimal solutions
BlueFiber delivers technology solutions that are reliable, scalable and cost-effective. Including Bare Metal Servers, Colocation, Cloud, Security, and Managed IT services designed to provide you with the necessary tools and support to create your optimal IT infrastructure. Best in class technology solutions for businesses of all sizes, focused on performance, security, and availability.
DSS MANAGEMENT, INC. is our onsite Managed IT Services partner, offering 24×7 maintenance and monitoring of critical infrastructure, IT consulting and support and assistance with a range of managed services including cloud computing and cyber security.
Our customers’ network demands are growing. Through our partnership with DE-CIX and our onsite DE-CIX switch, we leverage a global network of 2,642 ASNs and the benefits of the largest global internet exchange.
DETECTED Provides Personalized Cybersecurity Services to Keep Your Business Ahead of Threats.
Stay Protected. Stay Detected.
Optical Communications Group (OCG) is one of our key interconnection partners, providing critical connectivity between Long Island Interconnect and New York City as well as a new low-latency path through Long Island Interconnect to New Jersey.
Join our Partner Program
The services Long Island Interconnect provides — from colocation to connectivity to managed services are important technology components for the success of businesses of all sizes. We are committed to creating an environment in which your organization can leverage our offering to fuel business growth.
Our newly developed Partner Program enables you to benefit from the resources that we have and white label and resell the capabilities we bring to the table. Our Partner Program empowers you with the best resources, sales enablement, training, and referral network to better serve your clients’ evolving IT needs.

Benefits of the Long Island Interconnect Partner Program:
Preeminent location
Access to the strategically positioned, best connected technology home on Long Island
Beneficial pricing
Competitive pricing, sliding scale terms, discounting to maximize your profit margins and drive growth
Marketing resources
Specification sheets and other marketing collateral to enable you to effectively white label our offering
Program eligibility
- Multi-tenancy: In order to participate, your organization must be responsible for integrating the power, space and connectivity needs for multiple customers.
- Marketing resources will be made available to companies meeting a revenue threshold
For more information about our Partner Program, please contact: partnerprogram@longislandinterconnect.com